Human Unrighteousness

                        SCRIPTURE: ( Romans 1:18-19 KJV)

"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; [19] Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them."

In this particular scripture, Paul wrote to the Christians in Romans telling them about the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and Paul's statement in this particular verse amazes me. He was talking about the hardened heart of man and the unrepentant heart of humanity. It is very serious to know God and yet refuse to obey his commands and when we does these things, for sure God's heart bleeds with pain and regret.
2 years ago, one of my life children who I used to teach,  asked me "Sir,  why is there pain and suffering? " this question took me a short time to answer but a long time to make them understand. At creation, God made everything wonderful and beautiful. There was freedom and liberty, there was good, love was the foundational nature of everything God made and for sure, there was nothing like sin, pain and suffering. It absolutely perfect, until the devil came into the scene to corrupt the government of God.

Pain and suffering existence is because of sin. But I was finding it difficult to throw more light on this last 2years. Paul said "The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness " Glory! We all know that God is holy and blameless but yet his own children refuse to serve him faithfully. And his wrath and anger is revealed against unrighteousness of men.  His anger will come on us if refuse to do according to his will.

In the next verse which is the 19, Paul continued, "Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them, for God hath shewed it unto them."  If God has manifested his true nature to us and yet we can't obey him, then it's a serious matter. There is no excuse for us when the judgement day comes because we knew who God is and what he expected of us but we couldn't obey and serve him right. His invisible nature are clearly seen of the world and being understood by the things that are, even his eternal power and Godhead. So we are with no excuse at all.

For when we knew God, we didn't glorified him, neither were we thankful for the things he had done for us but out of vain in our imaginations and our hearts foolishly were darkened. We do things to please ourselves and we serve other gods who has no power compared to God. For this reason, God has given us up to rot and perish in our sinful desires.

I pray the Lord forgive our sins, iniquities and our transgressions. Beloved, it is not late now to lean on God's word and obey his commands. Let's be careful and be faithful to God. May God's grace and mercy follow us all and may his Spirit fill our hearts and we plead the blood of Jesus Christ over our sins.

#WordOfLife #BismarkFresher #BFM  #CFM
