The Unconfessed Sin

SCRIPTURE: ( 1 John 1:9 KJV)

"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

Today the Lord laid something on my heart about our unconfessed sins. Things we have done wrong but haven't asked for forgiveness. Confession is very important when it comes to Christianity. Having admitted you are wrong, confessing it and asking for forgiveness is what every Christian should do. We may have forgotten nor we might say God knows our hearts so he has forgiven us.

A time ago, when I didn't know much about God, I did something wrong that I didn't even realize it was wrong, years later when a pastor was preaching about it then I realized it was absolutely wrong, by then I had forgotten already but due to the preaching that felt on my heart, I remembered and immediately, i asked the Lord to forgive me and he forgave me. Other people also think that since God already knows their hearts then it's of no importance to ask for forgiveness or confess their sins because the Lord knows they have turned away from it, just that they are unable to utter it from their mouth.

One thing we should know as Christians is that, proclamation, utterances, decreeing, and declaring is very important in our Christian walk. When Satan tempted Jesus Christ, it was his utterances and proclamation of the scriptures which lead Satan away from Jesus Christ. Peter after denying Jesus Christ 3 times, would have say "alright what i did was wrong but i will not do it again so I won't ask for forgiveness" But we all know that Peter felt sorry and asked for forgiveness. If we are able to confess with our mouth, it shows how sorry we are and how repentant we are.

This is why words are made powerful as we normally hear it. This is why we have to open our mouth and make utterances when it's needed. Whenever we sin or remember we have sinned, we should as soon as possible open our mouth and speak to the Lord to forgive us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness and the bible says God is faithful to forgive our sins. Unconfessed sins can hinder our prayers from being answered and when this happens we continue to loose our faith and trust in the Lord and our Christian walk become something else and eventually we depart from the faith which brought us grace.

Beloved, I won't take much of your time but if you have done something wrong in the past and has forgotten, go back to the past and remember it, speak to the Lord and ask him to forgive you and cleanse you with the blood of Jesus Christ.

I pray for spiritual strength and I pray for grace in abundance. I pray for mercy and I pray for deliverance. May God keep you and bless you in Jesus mighty name. Shalom!

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