The Imitation Of Christ Jesus

Scripture:(1 John 2:4-6 KJV)

("He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him. He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.")

It's another beautiful day the Lord has made and we are glad we have the gift of life. Today I want to share with you what the Holy Spirit put in my heart. My title is "Imitation Of Christ Jesus" This title is divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit. The word imitation means to imitate and to imitate is to follow as a model or a pattern, to make a copy, counterpart  or semblance of something or someone.

The bible says "He that says he knows our Lord Jesus Christ and yet doesn't keep His (Jesus) commandment, is obviously a lair" I believe there is no doubt about this particular scripture because it gives light to the ways of Jesus Christ, it exposes darkness in every way. We all know Jesus Christ, who he is, what he is, where he came from and why he came. It is of no other reason than to bring light in our lives. He is the righteousness of God, he brought salvation and eternal life and to save all those who are lost. John addresses the saints in his letter to remember who Christ is and to follow him as he is, do as he did and keep his commands. We cannot belong to him whiles we don't obey his commands. It is impossible to serve him while we don't follow his orders and it completely makes us a lair if we pretend to know him while we refuse to be like him.

As the Apostle John continues, he said whoever that keeps Jesus' words and does as he says and obey according to his will are truly the ones which God's love is perfected in them. It is of very importance to understand how love works in Christianity. Love is far from disobedience, it is far from lying and sin as whole and we know God is love and if we are to serve Him(God) we ought to live as Christ Jesus did so God's love can be perfected in us.

Jesus Christ is light and as children of God this light must shine in us and not on us. God doesn't live on us, he lives in us and therefore we cannot indulge in any vicious activity and live in iniquity and a transgression life. If we abide in him and we have his spirit, we must follow the lamb wherever he goes and whatever he commands us. It is very important to know that our sinful nature cannot be inline or cannot allow us to be in alignment with God. God is Holy and there is no darkness found in him and as his dear children we must be like he is.

In this chapter, (1John 2:1 coming), John said something there that "We should not sin as God's children but if any man sin's, we have an advocate, who's Jesus Christ by his blood we can be cleaned and forgiven"

Here the Apostle was not encouraging sin knowing that whenever we sin, through the blood of Jesus Christ, we can be forgiven. No way! He was rather saying this in comfort of sin so that we might not live in condemnation. But rather be bold and boost in the Lord Jesus Christ that he's faithful. Many people knowing that Jesus Christ through his blood, we can be forgiven, has intentionally be doing what is wrong in the name of grace but Grace doesn't permit us to sin. If we want to be in the heavenly place of our Lord Jesus Christ and to receive every promise and every spiritual blessing, we must imitate Jesus Christ, we must be his copy on earth and follow him and his commands.

I pray the Lord Jesus gives us strength and courage to stand still in him. I pray he gives us understanding on his ways. I pray for healing and deliverance from the bondage of sin. May you receive grace to excel in your Christian life. God bless you.

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