How To Catch The Prophetic Anointing


 There is one thing in life you cannot and must not play with. That is the prophetic. Prophecy affects generations. One prophetic word that misses its target can destroy a whole generation. The anointing can be transferred. The prophetic anointing is more contagious than flu. If you don’t know how to catch it, you will not be affected by it.

What Is The Prophetic Anointing:

It is the divine ability on a prophet that enables him to see into the supernatural. It is the power and the presence of God that cause him to walk in revelation. It causes one to see and hear in the realm of the spirit. The lifestyle of a prophet models the message he carries. Prophets are like lions. They don’t negotiate concerning God’s word. When you see a lion you don’t need a dictionary to know that it is a lion. The prophetic anointing can be received through another anointed vessel. The transfer of this is what is called impartation of the anointing. The prophetic anointing is transferable. It can be imparted. Whether the prophet is aware or not , the unction on his life can be transferred .

Pay The Price: Everything you are looking is available .the resources of heaven has a price tag. They are not for free. The resources of heaven are available to all,but there is a price to pay. There is a prices tag on the treasures of heaven. Nobody gets sick and another takes his medication on his behalf. There is a price to pay for the prophetic anointing .This anointing Is not for free. Nothing of great value is meant for free even in the natural. The anointing is valuable.

The Power Of Desire: When you come into contact with a man who caries enviable anointing ,the next thing to do is to desire and covet their gift. It is spiritual to desire and covet spiritual gifts and blessing. Desire will cause you to do what naturally you will not do. Desire makes you look mad. Wherefore, brethren, covet to prophesy, and forbid not to speak with tongues. 1 Corinthians 14:39

Faith In The Anointed: Your faith in the prophet of God must be in place if you must receive the prophetic anointing . it is not enough to have faith in God. Faith in God’s prophets is also important . if you must receive the prophetic anointing , you must believe the hand of God upon the prophet and the anointing on the prophet of God. You must follow the prophet to the end if you must receive the anointing.
Ways Of Catching The Prophetic Anointing:

1. Impartation through contact with the anointed
2. Impartation through anointed messages
3. Master-Servant relationship
4. Through anointing with oil
5. Through anointed materials
6. Personal encounter
7. Prayer and fasting
