Eight Things I Have Learnt About Successful People

8 Secrets I have learnt about SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE

1.THEY SERVE WITH THEIR GIFTS- I am a student of life.Education is my passion.I learn by observing the successful.Successful people develop their gifts and talents.They serve other people with what they have.Bill Gate is serving the world with his gifts. The essence of life is to be a problem solver.Successful people are problem solvers.

2.CELEBRATE OTHER PEOPLE’S SUCCESS-I learnt that successful people are not only obsessed with their success but they also celebrate the success of others. Those who know how to genuinely celebrate the success of others are the truly successful.

3.THEY RAISE PEOPLE AND HELP OTHERS TO BECOME SUCCESSFUL-Truly successful people don’t use their success to intimidate others rather they raise people up.Successful people have the habit of helping other people to be successful. Jesus helped Peter to become an apostle.

4.SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE DON’T LIVE IN THE PAST-Successful people interpret the events of the past in the present so that they can capture the future.Please don’t live in the past.

5.SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE DON’T HAVE THE TIME TO GOSSIP ABOUT OTHERS-When i am in the presence of a truly successful person i can tell by what they say about other people.Time is precious and the successful use their time productively. They don’t spend time gossiping about the success of others.Envy is a dangerous disease

6. SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE ARE FOCUSED-Successful people keep their focus. Where they are going is more important than where they are.They use the present to focus on their goals.Please don’t lose your focus.If you lose your focus you will look like a locust,

7.SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE MAKE MISTAKES-Every successful man has made a mistake before. It is not strange that you have made mistakes. Don’t focus on your mistakes rather turn them into lessons.

8. SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE SEE SUCCESS-What you see determines what you say.The future you cannot picture can’t be captured. What you capture in the scripture is the picture for your future. I see a great life. I see miracles. 
