THERE IS ONE GOSPEL:

                              Scripture: (Galatians 1:6-7 KJV)

("I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.")

The Apostle Paul having received the gospel of Christ Jesus, had already shared the gospel among the Galatians already and for not so long these Galatians has turn away from the true gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ . When the Apostle Paul heard of the disappointment of the Galatians , he addressed them with his letter telling them and reminding them of the real gospel and the one who called them by grace.

Many of us has forgotten who called us into grace and we have perverted the gospel . We have been lead by unfaithful servants , lairs and satanic agents who pretend to be of God yet they are not. Misleading God's people and teaching them the wrong way. These Galatians were being troubled with fake teachings by the Jews. The Jews was not familiar with the gospel but yet they won't allow themselves to be familiar with it.

Many false teachers in our generation are like these Jews. Also there are a lot of people who knows about the gospel but have believed another message which is not of the gospel . Others too doesn't know and they wish to know but they are being thought with different gospel . May God have mercy. People are kept hostages in fake messages which is not actually the gospel. Now how then can we lean unto the gospel truth message from our Lord Jesus Christ ?. Here is is what we have to do.

We have to lean on God's word and study it ourselves. We have to allow ourselves by the power of the Holy Ghost to teach us God's word. Most people doesn't have the spirit of God and they are lead astray . Especially some leaders in the church. Without the Holy Ghost , we can't and will never understand the gospel . But here is a case where they doesn't have the spirit of God and they are operating by false power and dark powers.

Do you know the gospel truth about our Lord Jesus Christ  but turned away from it? Make your corrections and turn back to Christ Jesus. It's not too late. Study the Bible yourself and know the truth about it.

It's my prayers that the Lord Jesus Christ will open our spiritual eyes to see the truth so we won't be lost when he comes. I pray for spiritual strength and growth. May you be filled with the Holy Ghost in Jesus mighty name.

#WordOfLife #BismarkFresher #CFM 
