Stay Connected To One Another

Stay connected 

Portrayed in Genesis, in creation God said "let us make man in our own image "
The importance of "let us "

As powerful as God is, why didn't he say I'm going to make?

When Moses had an encounter with God and he asked God what he should say to the people and Pharaoh, God said "I am that I am " He is the "I am " and can do all things by himself self. He had the power to but did not have the audacity to. 

It is always important to stay connected and do something with people with the same aim, action,  dreams and visions with you. 

It doesn't matter how many times people have rejected you, bully you, robbed you, disappointed or make you suffer. That should not be the reason why you should be alone, that should not be the reason why you cannot trust anyone, you still need to stay connected with people. Don't do it on your own. It is dangerous. 

It is dangerous to be alone 
Don't be alone 

Stay connected. 

One of the reason why God made us is to stay connected, work together in hand with him and not independent. 
When God asked Adam not to eat from the knowledge of the tree of good and evil, it wasn't fruit, it wasn't apple, mango or pineapple. It was knowledge! When God said if they eat from the knowledge of the tree of good and evil they will die. Now they did not die, they lived. Ladies and gentlemen "Die " when the Lord said means separation from God. It means the day you eat from the tree, you will become self independent, self awareness. 
And you will be separated from me means you will become independent on him Elohim through that knowledge. 

So it's the knowledge you don't need, it's a knowledge that will separate you from me, the knowledge that will reduce your ability to walk in revelation, the knowledge that will restrict you from seeing beyond in the spirit. It is the knowledge that will give the soul authority over the spirit. 

Man is a spirit and he has a soul and a body. What is the soul? Your mind!  Your ability to think, your emotions that deals with affection and sensitivity then your will that make decisions for the body. 
And your spirit which is the image of God and birth of God or the spirit of God within you and the body is the house you live in.  So man is a spiritual being trying to have a human experience rather than a human being trying to have spiritual experience. You are not a human being, you are a spirit living in a body and your soul trying to have human experience. 

God said the day you eat from the knowledge of the tree you will ceased being a spiritual being and you will become a human being and you will loose contact with me. So God gave man the order not to eat the knowledge of the tree of good and evil. 

I always love to pray by revelation rather than knowledge. 
So there are books I don't read and advises I don't take I  always love to go by the revelation of God.
Hear this, "knowledge is the acquisition of information but revelation is the truth and advanced knowledge that is downloaded in the spirit. Revelation is inspiration. The bible says "there's a spirit in man and the inspiration of God almighty giveth him illumination and  revelation".
Illumination and revelation is highly knowledge of truth. 
Everyone can have knowledge but not everyone can have revelation. Revelation is given to those who realizes that they are spirit beings and their spirit being trying to have human experience. The Bible says " the spirit of man is the Council of the lord " When God speaks he does not speak to the soul, he does not speak to your intellect. When God speaks he speaks to your spirit and not into your mind and your intellect. God is not a soul, God is spirit. The Bible says "God is spirit and those who worship him must worship him in spirit " 
As many as lead by the spirit we are the sons of God. God is not feeling, God is not emotions . When you worship God in spirit you encounter God. 

We have grown in a society where we have been respecting people for what they have 

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 
