Keys That Opens Heaven


                                   KEYS OF OPENING HEAVEN :

1. PRAYER  (James 5:17-18):  One of the mystery concerning the kingdom of God prayer. Prayer moves God. It is the key to open heavens and open doors. When prayer goes up, answers and revelations comes to us. 

2. Giving: (2Kings 4:8-17): The bible says, "Give and it shall be given unto you, good measure shaking together, running over that will be given to you" One of the mystery in opening heavens is to give. As one practice giving the person is practicing supernatural act. It is a kingdom key. Helping people, Tithes, offerings and involvement in church projects. The Shunamite woman proved to us that she had a good heart because how she received the the Prophet Elisha ,she was practicing a system of divinity. 

3. Being at the right place at the right time.. (1Samuel 3:6-10): The little boy Samuel received his calling at a tender age and it was in a time, right place and the right person who's Eli the priest that he received Open heaven. Everything we are programmed to be is in time, place and meeting the right people. 

4. Waiting upon the Lord. (Acts 1:4-5): Jesus Christ instructed his disciples to wait for the Holy Spirit and shouldn't go anywhere. It was through their obedience and patience that made them receive the promise. Most Christians give up when situations are getting out of hands. We tend to give up and loose our faith in the Lord. Patience is a key. But endurance is more important than patience. Because endurance completes patience. Your ability to endure will determine your patience. It is very much important to wait on the Lord until he gives instructions.

  1. 5. Obedience: (Deu 28:1, Matt 3:13-17): Christianity without obedience is a total waste. To obey is to heed unto the Lord's will. We can't receive Open heavens if we don't obey. Obedience in the following is a kingdom key. Throughout the bible, we see notified great men and women of God who obeyed the Lord and received the promise. Also others disobeyed and were cast out from the presence of God. If we obey he will lift us up and God will pour out his blessings on us.
