Keys That Opens Heaven Part 2


Keys To Open Heavens :

1. WORSHIP (Acts 16:25-27)

Gracefully, God has given us the opportunity through his son Jesus Christ to be his sons. For this reason, there is a need for us to praise and worship God. Worship is a divine principle that opens up heaven. It was at midnight when Silas said Paul was worshipping and praising God then the power of God manifested and the prisons Broke off. David, no wonder God said said he's a man after his own heart. David was a proof of a divine worshiper. 

2. FAITH  (Mark 10:46-52)

Faith without works is dead. The Lord Jesus Christ shown with a great faith, Abraham, Rahab and other great mentors in the Bible was shown with power because of their Faith. The bible says without faith no one can please the Lord.  

3. PAYING OF TITHES. (Giving) (Malachi 3:6-11)

The first time someone payed his tithe was in Genesis when Abraham payed his tithe to Melchizedek. Paying tithes and offerings are a divine principle. The Bible says give and it shall be given unto you. This scripture is true and whatever we give we receive more back. 

4. HOLINESS. (Obadiah 1:17)

Holiness is a key. The Bible says without holiness no one can see the Lord. Your holiness is your power. The Bible says our Lord Jesus Christ was shown with power by his divine holiness. So holiness gives as a divine power. When one is Holy, he becomes blameless and the heavens opens up for them to receive blessings. We should stop the excuses and realize that God is holy and since he's Holy, as his children we should be holy and blameless. 

5. BE IN FULL EXPECTATION (Prayer, Fasting, The word) (Acts 2:1-4 and Acts 2:1-4)

Someone will say expectation kills but somehow it's true. It only becomes true when it concerns humanity but when it deals with God and his kingdom, we can be sure to expect a lot more. Expecting from God moves our faith on a higher level. It tells God that we forever ready to receive and he prepares and release open heavens for us. 

6. SACRIFICE: (Obedience)  (1Kings 3:16)

For sure our Lord Jesus Christ is an example. He was sacrificed for our sins. Sacrificing ourselves for the lamb in return is a divine principle which makes our needs and wants available through the open heavens by God almighty. Sometimes we have to give our all to God. Our time, money, our life, our love and everything precious to us is to be sacrificed for the Lord to open up the heavens for us. 
